What? Still thinking about being a full-time cryptocurrency trader...

Even people who have three souls and seven spirits and are as rich as northern Myanmar would not have such an idea, but you actually have it?

The Zhongyuan Festival has not arrived yet, and you are running out to scare people first, why? Be careful, you have broken the precepts.

If you are a full-time cryptocurrency trader, if you are successful, you will go in; if you are not successful, you will die.

Don't think that it is easy to make money in the cryptocurrency circle just because of the various KOLs, trading masters, and screenshots of daily profits on the Internet. Those people are not making money from the market at all, but from idiots.

Their work content has never been to research projects and analyze market trends, but to post posts, attract attention, earn traffic, and cheat idiots.

A few days ago, I saw a lawyer post a screenshot, mocking the domestic listing of exchanges and other toxic software.

I was confused for a long time, was it wrong?

I never thought so.

To some extent, this is done to better protect investors. Ordinary people have no investment channels at all, which leads to all kinds of scams in the market.

If the country relaxes, it will accelerate the transfer of wealth to scammers.

Back to the issue of full-time cryptocurrency trading, in principle, I do not recommend anyone to trade in cryptocurrency or get involved in the cryptocurrency circle, especially young people.

It is easy to distort your values ​​here, make you impetuous, and make you unable to concentrate on doing anything, which is quite uneconomical.

If you encounter someone who sells to you on the road, or advocates full-time or part-time cryptocurrency trading, block them as soon as possible.