It is not an easy task to grasp the key points of currency speculation. First of all, the news is crucial. Always pay attention to who is raising funds, who is reducing production, which projects have major updates, and who has been supported by celebrities. These are absolutely good news and can affect the trend of currency prices.

Secondly, the technical side cannot be ignored. In particular, pay attention to the relationship between volume and price, the shrinking and expanding volume at the top and bottom, and whether it is consolidation or shock. These can provide objective and obvious indications of the trend of currency prices. Of course, pay attention to the lag of indicators such as macd and kdj, which can be used as a reference.

Finally, the mentality is also crucial. It is particularly important to maintain a stable mentality in actual operation. Many times, it is not that there is no news, nor that the technology cannot be analyzed, but the mentality of chasing ups and downs makes people trapped. Therefore, calmly analyze the news and technology, maintain a stable mentality, grasp these three key points, and it is difficult to lose. #美联储何时降息? #加密市场反弹 #Babylon主网将上线 #BTC走势分析 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓