Has the sharp market drop shaken your faith?

This morning, many newbies may feel stunned, confused, or even shaken when they see Bitcoin plummet by 20%. However, we have experienced severe bear markets in 1994 and late 2017, as well as market crashes in March and May 19, 2018. Frankly speaking, today's drop is just a drop in the ocean.

Historically, after each big drop, various K-line analysts will make ups and downs predictions, on-chain analysts will analyze liquidation positions, and macro analysts will discuss Fed policies and economic conditions.

After verification, some people predicted accurately, some were wrong, some predicted correctly several times in a row, and at least 95% of those who made short-term swings have disappeared. PlanB, a well-known forecaster in the last cycle, may not be recognized by newbies today.

There are only 21 million bitcoins in total, and they are in deflation. In the entire cryptocurrency field, whether from a macroeconomic perspective or from the perspective of chip distribution, you can choose to allocate between Bitcoin and other tokens.

In this way, you are the landlord of the cryptocurrency world. Whether SBF, CZ, Wall Street or Salvador join or not, it cannot change your status as a landlord in the new world. Don't give up the right investment direction because a few people sell their land at a low price.

In the face of the current market situation, the most important thing is to return to the basic investment principles: buy low and sell high. Now is the time to buy low. No matter what different schools of thought various analysts put forward, they cannot break the iron law of buying low. If you are still watching and can't see the market trend clearly, you will only fall because of bullishness and rise because of bearishness. Free ➕👗 ➕🌍 BNB0098

At this moment, because many people are panic-selling, whether you are playing MEME coins, NFTs, altcoins or long-term investments, it has become easier to make money than in the past six months.

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