The global market volatility on Monday was undoubtedly a severe test of psychological endurance.

From Asia Pacific to Europe, to the US stock market, and the cryptocurrency market, all were deeply affected by the global panic, showing the fragility and resilience of the financial market in the face of uncertainty.

In the face of such violent fluctuations, your shift from full-position trading to batch bottom-picking strategy is undoubtedly an important manifestation of the improvement of risk management awareness. Batch bottom-picking can not only disperse risks to a certain extent, but also gradually build positions when the market gradually stabilizes, avoiding the potential huge losses caused by a one-time heavy position. As you have experienced, in an extremely panic market environment, this strategy may also miss some rebound opportunities due to excessive caution.

The subtle changes in market sentiment are indeed elusive. Panic often peaks at the most unexpected moment, and then may quickly dissipate, accompanied by a sharp rebound in the market. This requires investors to not only have keen market insight, but also have strong psychological qualities to find a balance between fear and greed.

It is worth noting that the strong rebound of currencies such as SATS, TIA, and AKRM after the plunge not only demonstrates the high volatility of the cryptocurrency market, but also reflects the resilience and rebound potential of some high-quality assets in the crisis. For investors, this is both a risk and an opportunity. The key lies in whether they can accurately judge the market trend and whether they have enough patience and determination to implement their investment strategies.

When is the right time to buy at the bottom? Again, if you are confused and helpless and don’t know what to do, click on the avatar to watch the introduction. I need fans, you need reference.

For the bottom-line buying price warning triggered by your last wave of market crash, this may be a signal worth pondering. It reminds us that when the market is extremely volatile, it is crucial to stay vigilant and set reasonable stop loss and take profit points. We must also learn to accept the unpredictability of the market and flexibly adjust our investment strategies to cope with various situations that may arise.

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