ALARMING ALERT 🚨 ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ 🚨


In the world of investing and trading, one of the hardest realities to face is accepting your losses. Frequently, I see posts on Binance Square urging people to "Hold onto this crypto! It will rebound! Trust me, it will rise again!"—especially regarding recently popular coins like $SHIB and $FLOKI . While some might disagree with me, it’s essential to understand the truth: stop listening to those who advocate holding indefinitely—they're no more informed than you are. Often, these individuals are trying to console themselves because they invested too late and are now experiencing losses. They entered these cryptos during euphoric, ill-informed moments and are now paying the price.

The notion of "Not sold, not lost" is a major misconception. If you recognize that one of your investments is poor and likely to continue declining, you shouldn't cling to it simply because you're currently at a loss. The market offers numerous opportunities, and it's unwise to miss out on them by keeping your money in depreciating assets.

Consider this: if you own an investment property yielding 10% annually, and you're presented with another property offering a 30% yield, would you pass up the new opportunity just because you're still losing on the first one? That would be irrational and counterproductive, preventing you from achieving significant gains. Accept that you made a bad decision and move on.

This post reflects my personal opinion. Thank you for reading. If you found this helpful, please like, comment, and share this post. Subscribing to my content greatly supports me. You can also tip me to help finance my efforts in educating you about the crypto market. Many thanks to those who do so.

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