$1000SATS is indeed the fuel of the unisat wallet

$1000SATS brc20 is great again

SATS is the ninth inscription token on the Brc-20 protocol. The full name is satoshis, which is the smallest unit of bitcoin, abbreviated as satoshis, also known as bit satoshis.

1 BTC = 100 million satoshis. The total amount is 2100 trillion, corresponding to 21 million BTC. UniSat officially reconfirmed Unisat swap and Fractal Bitcoin on July 7. Both are based on the BRC-20 protocol and use BRC-20SATS as gas fees.

As the largest wallet hub in the BRC-20 ecosystem, UniSat not only supports SATS as the gas fee for swap, but also uses it as the basic transaction token for brc20swap.

Such measures have brought a large number of active users to SATS, and most importantly, enabled the application attributes of SATS. #加密市场急跌 #btc生态