In the recent global financial markets, "Black Monday" has undoubtedly become the scene that investors least want to see.

On August 5, global stock markets suffered a severe setback. Japan's Nikkei 225 index plummeted by more than 12%, falling below the 32,000 point mark, setting a record for the largest single-day drop in history.

Not only Japan, but other markets in the Asia-Pacific region such as the Korea Composite Index and the KOSDAQ Index also suffered huge declines of more than 10% and 13% respectively, and even triggered the circuit breaker mechanism.

This sudden decline not only shocked the market, but also caught many investors off guard.

Faced with such market turmoil, many investors may feel confused and panic. $ETH

But in this context, it is not difficult to find a relatively anti-fall phenomenon - China's A-share market has shown a certain resilience.

While major global stock indices have fallen, the A-share market has fallen relatively little. The reasons behind this deserve our in-depth analysis.

First, compared with international markets, the A-share market has a lower correlation.

This means that although fluctuations in the global economy will have a certain impact on A-shares, the extent of the impact is limited.

Secondly, the Chinese government’s timely adjustments in economic policies have also provided certain support to the A-share market.

For example, by lowering interest rates and providing fiscal support, liquidity was injected into the market, thereby alleviating market panic.

For investors, how can they seize the opportunity to make money in such a turbulent market? First of all, paying attention to policy trends is the key. $SOL

The government’s economic policies can often guide market trends to a certain extent. Therefore, paying close attention to relevant policy changes can provide important reference for investment decisions.

Secondly, diversification of investments is also an effective way to reduce risks.

Do not invest all your funds in a single stock or market. Instead, choose to diversify your investments across multiple markets and sectors to reduce losses caused by fluctuations in a single market.

Finally, it is crucial to maintain a rational mindset.

Market fluctuations are normal. Avoid making impulsive investment decisions due to short-term market fluctuations.

Although global stock markets suffered a severe setback on "Black Monday", the relative resilience shown by the A-share market provided investors with some comfort.

Against the backdrop of global economic turmoil, investors can still find opportunities to make money in the A-share market by paying attention to policy trends, diversifying investments and maintaining a rational mindset.

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