As of 15:52

Currently, 8.5 billion CNY has been liquidated on the entire network, and 210,206 FOMO players have been forced to leave the market!

The current panic index has reached 26, reaching an extremely low level. Usually, the index is too low, which is regarded as an oversold signal, meaning that the market is full of cheap selling chips!

The global stock market has collapsed, and trillions of US dollars in market value have evaporated today!

Today, a panic has swept the global capital market!

The game-breakers look at the current capital market, except for gold and BTC. There is no better choice!

This year, the more BTC falls, the more it will help the big outbreak at the end of the year and next year!

The perfect time to get excess profits by long-term position layout! How to do it? Very important!

If you don’t know how to allocate positions? Layout spot?

Please continue to pay attention to Saoge, this year’s cross-class layout, this year is the biggest opportunity for risk and opportunity in nearly ten years!

#加密市场急跌 $BTC $ETH $BNB