$BNB on #Bear and #Bull period


                      Other Altcoins 

I have discussed numerous  times on the subject, the only way to win for sure, is to stick on the big coins, like $BTC $ETH but most of all, #BNB , which is the altcoin of the biggest crypto platform with the most users in the world! Crypto wannabe experts like Rand, will dump on you. Don't ever think these people would ever be legitimate!

Let's take a look, how much is the loss against other known altcoins many advice you to buy. 

- BNB lost 8.6% of it's value in comparison to a month before. Of course some money were made from launchpools and airdrops but let's not count these.

- ENA lost 32.1% in comparison to a month before.

- DOT lost 27% in comparison to a month before.

- Pepe lost 32.6% in comparison to a month before.

What do you understand from this? When BTC drops, the small altcoins drop x3 to x10 timesfaster! Eth drops almost on the same speed or slightly faster. BNB, as we have to use it anyway on #Binance , is always in use and lose the value slower. 

What is happening when #BTC is on Bull period? The small altcoins grow faster , but not as fast as they lose value. Eth grows slightly faster. And BNB? See the history facts! It can grow 10 times faster than BTC on Bull period! Without counting the launchpool and airdrop benefits. 

BNB, is by far the most stable coin to invest long term! That's a historical fact! Especially for the new guys, DO NOT buy small altcoins! Stick on the big guns and forget them till the next big bull period.
