🌊 The bigger the waves, the more expensive the fish! ! The achievements of Jiaoshou are as follows

📉 Dimensionality reduction attack: Shorting 1000BONK, directly taking 780 points

Reasons for shorting:

Although 1000bonk had a period of rise in the early stage, it was weak to break through the upper track of the Bollinger Band, and then quickly fell back and fell below the middle track of the Bollinger Band, indicating that the market is under great pressure and the buying power is insufficient.

Overall downward trend: From a larger time period, the overall market trend is still downward. Although there is a rebound in the short term, the downward pressure still exists, and shorting has certain logical support.

Volume divergence: During the price rebound, the volume failed to continue to expand, reflecting the lack of strength of the bulls and the limited strength of the rebound. This kind of volume divergence usually indicates that the rebound may be only temporary, and there is a risk of prices falling again.

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