Some market forces on Wall Street seem to have not given up their strategies. Tonight, they cleverly took advantage of the news and launched four waves of strong market offensives in succession, each wave was more intense than the previous one, showing a high degree of market manipulation art and determination. By observing the unusually active trading and the unique rhythm changes, market participants can keenly capture the trajectory of these offensives, as well as the short respite and adjustment of the market after each attack, revealing the complex and fierce competition behind.

Such a scene not only tests the psychological quality of investors, but also highlights the volatile and ever-changing characteristics of the financial market. In such an environment, accurately interpreting market information and flexibly responding to market fluctuations have become skills that every market participant must master. For those investors who can see the opportunity first and make precise layouts, this may be a precious moment to capture market opportunities and realize wealth appreciation. #比特币行情 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC #超级央行周 $BTC $ETH