Hello there,

What a day we are experiencing. A literal rollercoaster 🎢 ride.

Unfortunately, the whole sentiment of the market are currently bearish. But don’t let panic overtake you. If anything, I myself , am not experiencing anything new happening here.

As I mentioned in a previous post, there will not be a huge scale war(for now). There will be special military operations. Regional conflicts. Because the policymakers and decision takers have understood, that economically and strategically, it is more convenient to have military operations. But never a huge scale war. Hence, I am expecting fluctuations in the market, but never a huge scale crisis as some people are posting.

After the Iran retaliation(which will happen without a doubt) , the markets will bounce back up. Because as I also mentioned in a previous posts, Wealthy people are demanding to know more about use cases of cryptocurrencies. A huge scale conflict will only enhance that position, as Fiat will lose its value too. And moving money from one place to another will be essential. Clearer regulations are also key, and Blackrock involvement.

For long term investors I would suggest if you have the means to buy more cryptos, do that. The prices we have now, are still cheap compared to the prices we will have in three years of the surviving Cryptocurrencies and any other store of value entities.

For Day traders, I would suggest to backup there existing orders and don’t panic, the current market fluctuations are definitely normal.

Peace out ✌️


