The market has plunged again.

There is a new kind of sadness, not sudden, but slowly accumulated.

It's like watching the eldest daughter who was raised with great difficulty suddenly say that she wants to marry Er Gouzi from the next village.

Every time I refresh my account, it's like confirming some inevitable fate, sliding from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley little by little. That feeling is like seeing the love that has passed away, but I can't do anything to save it.

This sadness comes from a sense of powerlessness, knowing that all you can do is watch the numbers dance on the screen, and then they dance out of the past glory. My crypto investment once made me dream of buying a villa by the sea, but now I can't even afford to rent a tent on the beach.

It's like being in an endless northern winter night, the cold wind is like a knife, piercing every corner of the wallet. I seem to hear the sound of every coin falling. These sounds pieced together a sad symphony, they echoed in the empty digital world, like endless echoes, reminding us how high we once flew and how deep we have fallen now.

Yes, the market will fall, dreams may be shattered, but as long as we still have the courage to hold the torch of hope, even in this darkest moment, we can still find a ray of light.

Bottom-hunting, brothers! In the near future, the ice of the market will melt, and the spring breeze will blow through the barren heart again. Always bullish! Always tears in my eyes!