How to seize the bull market opportunity with 3,000 yuan and double your wealth? Here are my tips:

3,000 yuan is divided into three parts: 1,000 yuan each. Only by properly allocating can you win steadily.

Observe the increase list and find the rhythm of sector rotation: When Ethereum drives the altcoin sprint, pay attention to the changes in the increase list. Although the crazy bull market is frenetic, it has its own rules. Sector rotation usually lasts for more than ten days. Pay attention to the common points on the increase list. For example, if six out of ten coins are DeFi projects, then this sector is the current hot spot.

Accurately strike and choose the leading currency: Once it is determined that it is a DeFi sector boom, directly find the leading currency of this sector and enter the market with three times leverage for one thousand yuan. Use the other two thousand yuan as margin. If the market goes smoothly, wait until it is out of the safe price and withdraw the margin.

Take profit in time after doubling: When the sector rotation doubles, take profit immediately. At this time, the principal in hand will increase to 6,000 yuan. Next, continue to observe the market heat and look for the next sector. Use two thousand yuan to add three times leverage to enter the market again, and four thousand yuan as margin. After doubling again, the funds increased to 10,000 yuan.

Continue the cycle and accumulate wealth: If you operate in this way and catch six or seven of the dozen sectors, you will have the opportunity to turn a few thousand yuan into hundreds of thousands. Remember, keen observation and a deep understanding of the market are the key.

Betting on the leader and following market sentiment: The leading currency is often the highest point of market sentiment, and choosing the right leader can maximize profits.

I will post a post later to share the leading currencies of each sector in detail, so stay tuned!

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