Institutions are usually very discerning. Here are some spot cryptocurrencies held by institutions:


ETC is the third-largest cryptocurrency held by Grayscale Fund. It is a hard fork token of Ethereum, which retains the code rules and features of the original Ethereum. It is known as a fork coin that adheres to the Ethereum consensus proof mechanism and has many supporters. It has fallen back nearly 50% from the high point of this round of bull market and is in a bottom consolidation state. Spot can consider building a part of the position.


BCH is a cryptocurrency that Grayscale currently holds 338,100 pieces, ranking fourth in holding value. It is also a hard fork coin. Currently, BCH ranks 14th in market value, with a circulating market value of $8 billion. Although BCH is also included in the cryptocurrencies compensated in the Mentougou case, it has risen by more than 40% since the plunge in early July, and has a high market recognition. The current price is $405, and you can consider buying it when it falls back.


Litecoin (LTC) is one of the cryptocurrencies that institutions prefer, and the name "Bitcoin Gold Lite Silver" is widely circulated. LTC is developed based on the original source code of Bitcoin, with many similarities and a halving cycle. In addition, the market has a high degree of recognition for LTC. It is mainly used for small transactions, with more application scenarios and more efficiency. The current price is $68, which is below the strong support line of Litecoin. You can consider buying some of it in spot.

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Chainlink (LINK) is the leading coin in the oracle field and one of the most widely used infrastructures in cryptocurrency. It is held by many institutions for a long time. LINK has pulled back about 45% from the high point of this bull market. The current price is $12.64, which is at a strong support point since November 2023.

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