Barcelona Locals Are So Over Tourists, They're Fighting Back With Water Pistols💧🔫

You wouldn't believe what's going down in Barcelona. People are fed up with all the tourists and they're taking matters into their own hands – with water pistols!

Imagine walking down the street in one of the city's most popular spots and suddenly, mist mist, splash splash! You're getting soaked by angry Barcelonians, if the word exists! Sounds crazy, right? But it's happening. People are sick of the crowds, the rising prices, and their city turning into one big Disneyland.

Question is, where's the line between making money and ruining your own backyard? Barcelona's trying to figure that out, but it's a tough one. Other places like Mallorca and Malaga are dealing with the same tourist takeover.

So, what's the answer? Well, that's the million-dollar question. Can cities have their cake and eat it too? Enjoy the tourist money without losing their soul?

Do you live in a big city which has been taken over by mass tourism? What are your thoughts?

#Barcelona #Tourism #Spain