Binance's new web3 task will start at 16:00 tomorrow. Except for the fourth task, I feel that those who want to make money can rush in. The others are useless. The first three tasks are all based on the proportion of funds. Since it is distributed according to the proportion of funds, those who want to make money have money! With this amount of funds, staking Ethereum is equivalent to 5 times the points. Isn't it more than this?

The fourth task will draw 500 additional people to share 100,000 tokens. Points are obtained according to the amount of funds. If you plan to make money, prepare more than 0.005 BTC (about 350 dollars) to stake (activity 4 requires a minimum deposit of 0.005 BTC). I personally feel that the cost of making money is a bit high, and it depends on luck. It's purely useless.

Figure 3 is the Bitcoin hash extraction rules. You still have to look at your luck to make money...

Friendly reminder: Tomorrow will cause congestion on the BTC main network, and the gas fee will be an assassin (usually 5 dollars, tomorrow it may be 50 dollars or even higher). If you really want to stake, don't compete with them. Choose to stake when you are free.

Updated on August 1:

All accounts of the luring people can lurk the third one, because the total limit is 20btc, and the maximum limit for each person is 0.0005btcb. Regardless of the amount of funds, it is suitable for luring.