David Solomon, CEO of Wall Street investment bank Goldman Sachs, said in a recent interview that Bitcoin has the potential to become a store of value, but he also believes that Bitcoin is a speculative investment that lacks practical Application scenarios.

In an interview with "CNBC" on Tuesday (30th), when Solomon was asked whether Bitcoin could be used as a reserve asset or as a store of value like gold, he replied that it was possible and that Bitcoin was "very likely." There is a situation where a store of value exists.”

However, Solomon believes that Bitcoin is also a "speculative investment" and he has not seen "actual application scenarios", although he believes that the underlying technology of Bitcoin is "super interesting", such as in terms of financial innovation.

David Solomon has historically raved about the virtues of blockchain technology. Following the collapse of the FTX exchange in 2022, Solomon argued in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that cryptocurrencies are just one of many possible use cases on the blockchain and that innovators should not "miss the forest for the trees."

Goldman Sachs opened a Bitcoin trading desk in 2018, but it temporarily suspended related business operations due to weakening investor demand. By 2021, with a large number of institutional funds entering the market, Goldman Sachs restarted its cryptocurrency business. The core of its products are derivatives linked to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. It is rumored that the bank later also opened derivatives linked to the price of Ethereum to clients. commodity trading products.

According to Fortune last month, Goldman Sachs plans to launch three tokenization projects before the end of this year, citing Mathew McDermott, global head of digital assets at Goldman Sachs.

