If you talk to Xiangzi about fighting local tyrants and making revolution, Xiangzi thinks you are fanciful, but if you say that you can let Xiangzi have his own car, then Xiangzi will probably build a shrine for you; you talk to Xiangzi about gender equality, about women Liberation, Xiangzi thought you were going to rebel against Tiangang, but if you say you can rescue Xiao Fuzi from the white house, then Xiangzi will definitely give you a kiss.

Xiangzi longs for the latter, but he just doesn't know that the latter is the fruit of the former. Some Xiangzi are limited by their own knowledge, some are addicted to resistance to unfamiliar things, and some are deceived by vested interests and labor insurance, but in any case, you cannot call them true conservatives, because they are temporarily The choice is not in line with their fundamental interests

What does the proletariat have to be conservative about? They have nothing under the current order, and they have nothing to protect. Rather than saying that they are labor insurance, it is better to say that they are deceived and temporary pseudo-conservatives. They know what they want, they just don't know how to get what they want. Once they figure it all out, they will be more radical than the most radical progressives, and the fire in their chests will Completely burn down the old world that the labor insurance workers have worked so hard to build.