Recently one unusual project, a meme token, was launched on Moonshot Solana. And in the first moment it really looked just like a meme. Here is a brief description of it:

Tsundere the anime goddess - The first anime meme token on Solana. Anime RWA. Tokenization of anime girls.


Sounds really funny at first look. But after reading their gitbook and checking their website with a few leaks on their Twitter, a whole different picture of the world is emerging. So here we go.


NFT collection

The first thing I'd like to mention is that the guys have noted in their gitbook that they plan to make a nft collection when they reach their first capitalization goals. And this is not just a standard nft collection, but a collection with liquidity, which as an idea is actually very cool, because you can immediately if you want to sell this nft, without waiting for a buyer. In fact, now it is not so difficult to realize, it is enough to use an external service like b0rder1ess or others.

Shuffle Game Short Design Document

There's even more interesting information about the game. You can read it yourself and think about it.

Description: Combine strategic chess puzzles with trivia in a 3D environment. Players solve 30-second chess problems and answer quick trivia questions, enriched with visual novel-style character dialogues for immersive storytelling.

You can also see a sneak peak of how it will work on Twitter and screenshots in the gitbook itself. In short, from what I understand, it will be a visual novel using the meme token and nft itself. And that's actually pretty cool.

Mass market

Now let's talk about a more important thing than even the previous fundamental. As you know, the anime industry is a very large piece of the movie market in the world today. In 2022, the market is estimated to reach a record $20.6 billion. And in fact, with such capitalization estimates in the world, this industry has NO strong crypto mascot. Even though it sounds like a fantasy, just imagine if this project becomes such a mascot and people will think of this token at any mention of anime in crypto. Even 0.001% of this capitalization will give you 1000 X's of growth from your entry point today.

And you won't find a better entry point than now, because it's still not realized yet. And you know how people say - buy on rumors, sell on news.

So let's wish good luck to these guys and try to capitalize on it ourselves.

Twitter: @tsundereToken