Suddenly, a big plunge! Wall Street tycoon: Biden administration is ready to sell all seized bitcoins before Trump takes office...

After hitting $70,000 overnight, Bitcoin plummeted to $66,000 to catch its breath. The U.S. government wallet rarely transferred about 29,800 bitcoins. Wall Street tycoon Peter Schiff said that Republican presidential candidate Trump promised that the U.S. government would keep all bitcoins if he was re-elected. He said that the U.S. President Biden's administration may sell all seized bitcoins before then.

As an economist and gold advocate, Schiff pointed out that Trump promised that the U.S. government would keep all bitcoins if he was re-elected. Since then, people have increasingly speculated that the Biden administration will sell all seized bitcoins. He believes that the Biden administration will sell all bitcoins before Trump takes office. With the rare changes in the U.S. government wallet, the speculation has intensified.

Trump promised at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee over the weekend that the government would keep all seized bitcoins if he was re-elected. Since then, speculation has intensified that the Biden administration will sell all of its Bitcoin holdings.

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Bitcoin accelerated higher on Monday as Trump promised friendlier regulation of the cryptocurrency industry.

The new force broke through the psychological barrier of $70,000 for the first time in a month and a half, but may face greater resistance as the research results are overbought and the bullish momentum on the daily chart is fading.

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