Daily Share


After the bitcoin price rushed to 70,000 last night, it quickly pulled back. The pullback here is quite large, with the lowest price reaching 65862, which has broken the upper edge of the previous 1h central axis. Therefore, the rise of the third buy here should be gone, so the short-term trend is inclined to a 4h level pullback. The expected pullback will not be too large, and the shallowest one is estimated to be around 64,000, and the deepest one is 63,000.


If the pullback goes smoothly, then just go all in boldly. The next 4-hour level rebound is expected to be a wave of main upswing to set a new historical high. You must not miss such a market.




Due to the rapid changes in the short-term market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market and use it as a reference only.

The time it takes for a move:

15-minute level: 4 to 7 hours or more, usually 6 to 9 hours, up to more than 10 hours

1h level: 1~3 days and above



The current 1h level correction of Bitcoin has fallen back into the center. From a structural point of view, the previous 4h level rebound can be ended, and then the second 4h level correction will occur. Therefore, the probability of a 4h level correction is still relatively high, unless the next 1h level rebound breaks through 70,000 again to negate the 4h level decline.


The first 1h-level decline should not be over yet, and there is still a 15-minute-level decline to break below 65862. It is expected that there will be a second 1h-level rebound tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It depends on the strength of this rebound. If the strength is not strong and a second sell is formed, then a 4h-level callback is certain.


Of course, I think differently from many people. When many people hear me say that there is a 4h level correction, they think about shorting the market. In fact, it is not the case. We should think that if the 4h level correction is successfully carried out, it is the best opportunity to go long before the next round of main rising wave starts. Looking at the correction is to expect to find a better position to enter the market to buy spot or go long. In the bull market, looking at the correction is not actually to make you go short desperately, but to find the best opportunity to go long and make money.



At the 15-minute level, in the short term, we will see whether there is a 15-minute level center consolidation here, and then go down a 15-minute level to leave the segment to complete the 1h level callback. The short-term upper resistance is around 67500~68000. The lower support is around 65000.




Since Ethereum follows the trend of Bitcoin most of the time, Ethereum is more popular.


The 4h level correction of Ethereum actually needs to step back to around 3100 again, and the overall structure will be relatively perfect, but the rebound of the 1h level in the past few days was relatively large, which once made us have other doubts about the structure of the trend. Now let's observe again. If Bitcoin can successfully get out of the 4h level correction, then Ethereum should normally need to step back to around 3100 again.


At the 15-minute level, Ethereum will see whether it consolidates a 15-minute level center, and then make a decline in the center leaving segment to complete the 1h level callback. If it breaks through 3965 again, it means that the 1h callback of Ethereum has not started yet.


Trend Direction


Weekly level: The direction is upward. Currently, a new weekly rise is expected, with a target of more than 100,000.

Daily level: The direction is upward, the first daily rise in the weekly rise, the target is just over 90,000

4-hour level: The direction is downward. Normally, there will be a 4-hour correction here. Pay attention to whether there will be a second sell in the future.

1-hour level: The direction is downward, and the 1h level callback has not yet been completed.

15-minute level: Downward direction, there should be another 15-minute level pullback in the short term to break below 65862