There are also fans who don't have a holistic concept of the trends of Bitcoin and Shanzhai. Here I share the views of the private circle on the 29th, everyone should understand it well:

Bitcoin and Shanzhai have different trends.

Bitcoin is the last rising wave in the bull market, that is, the big five waves.

Different Shanzhai trends are also different. Some Shanzhai are the b-wave rise in the bear market, and the c-wave falls after the rise.

Another part of Shanzhai is the sub-2 wave or sub-4 wave rebound in the c-wave decline in the bear market, and the sub-3 wave or sub-5 wave falls after the rebound.

The characteristics of Shanzhai in the bear market are that each wave rebounds lower than the previous one, the starting point of b wave is lower than that of a wave, the sub-2 wave of c wave is lower than the starting point of sub-1 wave, and the sub-4 wave of c wave is lower than the starting point of sub-3 wave.

The Shanzhai is better, and the rebound period with a longer duration should be after Bitcoin reaches a new high of 73777+. At present, the strategy of taking a shot and changing a place can completely protect the principal.

Although Bitcoin and Shanzhai reach the top at different times, their time is the same in the end, That is, the end of 2024 or January to March 2025.$BTC #熊市