The US government transferred 29,800 bitcoins

The market crashed to 66,000. It is not clear why the US side made the latest bitcoin transfer move. Some people joked that this was a move to prepare for the US to establish a strategic bitcoin reserve plan announced by Mr. Donald Trump a few days ago.

The focus of the market this week has returned to the macro level:

The small non-farm payrolls on Wednesday, the interest rate meeting on Thursday morning, and the unemployment rate on Friday are all the focus of this week.

Let's talk about the interest rate meeting first. It is almost impossible to adjust the interest rate at the July interest rate meeting. Even the market has no expectation of a rate cut, so the focus of the focus is to see whether Powell will say in the Q&A whether he may expect a rate cut in September.

At present, the market generally believes that the Federal Reserve will start its first rate cut in September, and even some Federal Reserve officials think so when they are interviewed. So the probability of a rate cut in September given by CME is close to 90%. If the rate cut starts in September, then there is a high probability that there will be no moths. Then September is a defensive rate cut, which is a good performance for the market.

#WazirX黑客事件 #美国政府转移BTC #美联储何时降息?