If you invest in copycat stocks, you will always go through this cycle:

A small rise will make you excited, and excitement will turn into delusion,

In delusion, you chase the rise, and you are imprisoned,

Being imprisoned, you blame the dealer, and after blaming, you fall deeper,

You feel helpless when you are deeply trapped, and helplessness prompts you to sell at a loss,

When you sell at a loss, there is a rebound, and the rebound becomes a regret,

The regret turns to blame the dealer, and after blaming, it soars again,

Watch when it soars, watch it soar wildly,

When it soars, you are excited again, and you are trapped again.

This kind of investment mentality is indeed common.

If you like spot goods, want to roll funds together, and hoard spot goods in the bull market,

Click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, and wait for you in the circle!

In the current fluctuating market changes, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities!!!