We are still brainwashing that Bitcoin has no value and can only be used for money laundering, but Trump attended the Bitcoin 2024 Conference on the 27th, and his 40-minute speech revealed the truth.

1. The United States should be established as a Bitcoin mining powerhouse and Bitcoin should be used as a strategic reserve.

2. Bitcoin does not threaten the United States, but the US government threatens the status of the US dollar.

3. The future market value of Bitcoin will exceed that of gold, so don't sell Bitcoin.

4. If he is re-elected as president in October, he will fire the chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission on the first day of his inauguration because he prevented the development of Bitcoin in the United States. The Bitcoin ETF was not passed until January this year, and it was rejected by the SEC for 10 consecutive years before that.

5. Presidential candidate Robert suggested that the US Treasury purchase 4 million Bitcoins as reserves. This is close to 20% of the total amount of Bitcoin