Written by: TechFlow

After experiencing several bull and bear cycles and ups and downs, the TON ecosystem has finally ushered in its own spring in this round of bull market.

In September 2023, Telegram officially announced the integration of the TON network and reconciled with TON. The 900 million monthly active users of Telegram opened the gateway to Web3 and also brought tremendous opportunities to the TON ecosystem, turning TON from a "giant unpopular public chain" into a hot commodity.

The crypto market is clearly aware of the huge wave that the TON ecosystem will set off in the future: the TVL of the TON ecosystem exceeds 740 million US dollars, which has increased 32 times in more than 5 months, and applications in various sectors of the ecosystem are booming. The breakthrough of the Telegram-based TON Gamefi project Notcoin ($NOT) and the viral Memecoin black and white dogs ($Dogs) has also brought great heat to the Telegram×TON ecosystem, and the entire market is focusing on it.

How far are we from Mass Adoption?

The Telegram×TON ecosystem seems to be getting closer to the beautiful vision of Mass Adoption, but the popularity of Meme is obviously not enough to support the long-term value of TON, and more applications are needed to join the hot land of TON. However, the uniqueness of TON's technical architecture makes the development of TON ecosystem relatively complicated to a certain extent. At the same time, the lack of ecological infrastructure also makes developers lack handy development tools when building TON ecosystem, which undoubtedly pours cold water on projects that want to join TON ecosystem.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. For the rapidly growing TON ecosystem, excellent infrastructure is an indispensable part of development. LayerPixel, a Layer 1.5 solution built on TON for Telegram, fills this gap and aims to provide one-stop DeFi services for Telegram Mini App developers and help more excellent applications overcome the "difficult to build" technical threshold of the TON ecosystem.

Recently, LayerPixel reached an important milestone, announcing the completion of a $2 million seed round led by Kenetic Capital, with participation from Waterdrip Capital, Foresight Venture, VentureSouq, Web3 Port, Microcosm Research, TMM Club and dozens of well-known investors. This round of financing not only proves the market's confidence in LayerPixel, but also provides strong support for its ambitious plans.

At the same time, the Game of Dawn event recently launched by LayerPixel is an attempt to seamlessly introduce Web2 users to the Web3 world, bringing new vitality and possibilities to the TON ecosystem. While showing the potential of the TON ecosystem to external users, it also provides new ideas for solving the problems of user acquisition and value creation.

What makes LayerPixel so successful in both financing and innovation? From technological innovation to user strategy to ecosystem construction, what is unique about LayerPixel? Let’s take a closer look at this project that is changing the TON ecosystem.

From "Pathfinder" to "Founder Builder", LayerPixel's brand reshaping

There are countless projects providing DeFi solutions, what is special about LayerPixel?

After carefully understanding the context of the LayerPixel team's exploration of the TON ecosystem, I learned that the birth of LayerPixel was due to the fact that the team had experienced the rain themselves during the development process on the TON chain, so they wanted to hold up an umbrella for others.

Facing technical difficulties in development

In the process of exploring the TON ecosystem, the team gradually discovered that for projects that want to enter the TON ecosystem, relying solely on external financial support may not be the best solution. The real test lies in the technological development of the TON ecosystem.

In the early stages of construction, the team realized that the development of the TON ecosystem was quite challenging:

Heterogeneous asynchronous sharding increases development difficulty

Unlike Ethereum's synchronous transaction execution, TON's heterogeneous asynchronous sharding characteristics make the transaction execution on TON not synchronous. In asynchronous transaction execution, a single transaction may succeed or fail independently. This uncertainty and the complex mechanism between shards greatly increase the construction difficulty and cost faced by DeFi, which requires fast and certain transaction confirmation.

Lack of token approval mechanism

The centralized ledger used by Ethereum is like Alipay, where users can easily interact with funds through transfers within the system. In contrast, TON uses a decentralized ledger that cannot transfer assets on behalf of users. Developers need to design more complex contract logic to manage users' token transfers and authorizations, which increases the complexity and development costs of smart contracts, as well as the risk of potential vulnerabilities and errors in the code.

Determined to build your own DeFi infrastructure

Faced with native development issues on the TON chain, the team realized that an excellent and ecosystem-adaptive infrastructure and development tools are crucial to the current TON ecosystem.

The team decided to transform its identity from "pathfinders" to "foundation builders" and build DeFi infrastructure suitable for the TON ecosystem.

Then LayerPixel came on the scene, ready to meet a series of development challenges in the TON ecosystem.

LayerPixel, the "gold finger" developed on the TON chain

As an all-in-one DeFi solution, LayerPixel's unique layered architecture and the integration of built-in wallets and PixelSwap enable development teams to easily build TON-based DeFi projects, just like turning on a "golden finger" in a game, turning the development process from difficult to easy and enjoyable.

Layered architecture, the magic Lego of LayerPixel

LayerPixel has a unique layered architecture consisting of multiple layers, each with its own unique functions and roles.

Funding Layer

The virtual asset storage layer implements the token approval function. The Funding Layer supports the built-in abstract wallet PixelWallet and the external account wallet EOA Wallet, providing basic fund management functions while also supporting smart contracts and automation functions.

Settlement Layer

The Settlement Layer is similar to a bank vault, storing all funds and relying on the LayerPixel Settlement Engine to handle the core engine of transaction settlement, ensuring the accurate execution and recording of each transaction.

Execution Layer

The Execution Layer serves as a transaction matching engine, including the AMM Engine, Weighted pool Engine, and LBP Engine.

The three engines complement each other to provide high-quality solutions for DeFi liquidity.

Extension Layer

The extension layer built by third parties allows developers to add custom functions and modules to enhance the flexibility and scalability of the system.

For example, developers can insert an anti-money laundering (AML) module into the Extension Layer to implement functions such as asset freezing.

Through this multi-level architectural design, LayerPixel provides a flexible, efficient and scalable DeFi solution to meet the needs of different users and developers.

PixelWallet, the magical tool for asset management

LayerPixel's account abstraction wallet PixelWallet designed for DeFi also provides developers and users with a fairly complete functional module, allowing users to access and manage virtual assets by authorizing smart contracts within the LayerPixel system:

  • Supports gas-free transactions, and third-party protocols can cover all transaction gas fees.

  • Supports atomic swaps, allowing multiple transactions to be completed in one operation, avoiding partial transaction failures or data inconsistency problems caused by asynchronous communication.

  • Plans to support multiple login methods, including passkey and Metamask signature methods

  • It allows application developers to configure different types of user wallets, simplifies the user threshold, and supports users to interact directly with TON Wallet and other components of LayerPixel to improve user experience and ease of operation.

PixelSwap, the multi-dimensional trading engine of TON ecosystem

As the core transaction layer of LayerPixel, PixelSwap plays a vital role.

PixelSwap is the first modular and upgradeable decentralized exchange on TON. It brings innovative trading mechanisms to the ecosystem while injecting new vitality into the entire ecosystem.

On a technical level, PixelSwap’s unique weighted pool exchange protocol design significantly improves liquidity efficiency and trading flexibility. By supporting TON/Jetton and Jetton/Jetton Pool, the range of trading pairs is greatly expanded, providing users with more choices. It is worth mentioning that PixelSwap uses a singleton contract similar to Uniswap V4 to manage all trading pairs, effectively improving the platform's operating efficiency and gas optimization.

Another major feature of PixelSwap is its diverse trading algorithm support. In addition to conventional trading pools, the platform also supports weighted pools and LBP (Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool) pools, providing users with more liquidity management options, making capital utilization more flexible and efficient. At the same time, support for advanced order types and multi-hop/multi-path routing further optimizes the efficiency and accuracy of transaction execution.

PixelSwap is no less impressive in terms of support for DeFi. The platform supports atomic swaps and flash loans, which greatly enhances the functionality of the platform and opens up more financial gameplay for users. PixelSwap's proprietary math library and smart contracts implement a unique weighted pool function, allowing users to contribute assets with different weights, increasing transaction depth while also improving spread performance.

PixelSwap’s upgradeability and customizability are another highlight. The platform supports adjusting the exchange curve and gas fee. This flexibility enables PixelSwap to continuously optimize and adapt to market changes and user needs. In addition, the configurable fee collector contract increases the platform’s operational flexibility and provides more possibilities for future development.

The modular design makes the whole system highly scalable and easy to customize. The asset authorization mechanism allows to ensure the reliability of transactions. Gas-free transactions reduce user costs. The atomic swap function ensures the integrity of transactions and avoids the risk of default. Multiple login methods support makes user access more convenient and secure. Through the magic Lego of basic pieces, LayerPixel has built a flexible and efficient TON DeFi solution for Telegram's program.

Get involved in the future of LayerPixel

Exchange points for coins, Game of Dawn helps you dig for goldLayerPixel

With the rapid development of the TON ecosystem, a large number of homogeneous applications, especially TapTap games, continue to emerge. However, these projects often face two major problems: one is that the tokens lack practical use, and the other is that although there are a large number of users, many of them are fake users who enter to make money.

LayerPixel’s recent campaign, Game of Dawn, aims to change that.

Game of Dawn hopes to attract and reward real gamers through innovative models, while building a solid value foundation for LayerPixel token $PIX. This event cleverly introduces real high-quality users of Web2 to the Web3 world, injecting new vitality into the TON ecosystem.

Game of Dawn uses a paid participation mechanism to ensure that it attracts high-quality real player users who have the ability to pay. By participating in games on the Game of Dawn platform, users can obtain activity points, which will eventually be converted into a distribution share of the LayerPixel token $PIX. At the same time, Game of Dawn has set up a tiered chip distribution structure to allocate point weights based on the time users participate in the event. Early participants will receive more chips.

In the future, the number of games on the platform will continue to increase, providing users with more options for participation and opportunities to earn points.

Through Game of Dawn, LayerPixel not only demonstrated its innovative capabilities in user acquisition and community building, but also set a new benchmark for the TON ecosystem, skillfully balancing user engagement, token value, and ecosystem development, laying a solid foundation for LayerPixel's long-term success.

For more information about Game of Dawn, please visit the official article: Introduction to Game of Dawn

In the future, LayerPixel will gradually unlock more features and interfaces to integrate Telegram more deeply, and will introduce cross-chain bridges to enhance the user's liquidity experience. In addition, the functions of PixelWallet will also be enhanced, including support for key login and the introduction of social recovery.

By 2026, LayerPixel plans to open all functions to third parties and further expand its ecosystem. Developers can use LayerPixel's technology to build various decentralized applications and enrich the application scenarios of the TON ecosystem.

LayerPixel will also deploy and support multiple chains, making it a multi-chain supported platform, further enhancing the flexibility and compatibility of LayerPixel so that it can adapt to the needs of different blockchains.


From exploration to foundation building, LayerPixel has been working step by step to deliver its own answer to the TON ecosystem.

As the market gradually discovers value and the ecosystem continues to improve, the demand for infrastructure in the TON ecosystem will inevitably grow in the future. The timely emergence of LayerPixel provides strong support for the Telegram×TON ecosystem, which is still in its growth stage.

From the All-in-One DeFi basic component LayerPixel, to the all-inclusive asset issuance TonUP Launchpad, to the asset liquidity solution PixelSwap. As a pioneer in the construction of the TON ecosystem, the team provides a complete set of infrastructure for TON ecosystem applications and explores more possibilities for the TON ecosystem.

Perhaps true Mass Adoption is getting closer.