In the vast ocean of investment, many sailors are often attracted by short-term wind and waves, over-investing in frequent transactions, but ignoring the true meaning of investment - pursuing long-term stable returns rather than short-sighted profiteering. This fanatical pursuit of immediate profits often leads to emotional fluctuations like the tide, causing investors to lose their way in the market's wind and waves, over-emphasizing the gains and losses of a single transaction, and ignoring the stability and durability of the overall voyage.

In fact, whether it is an experienced veteran or a fledgling rookie, losses are an inevitable part of the investment journey, just like waves hitting the shore, which is a natural manifestation of market fluctuations and changes. The key is how we can accept this normal state with a calm mind and learn lessons from it, rather than being defeated by it.

The secret to maintaining a good mentality is to build a balanced perspective: when we are in a favorable situation, we need to remain humble and cautious, strive to maximize our profits without being blinded by greed; when we encounter a headwind of losses, we should be perseverant and quickly adjust our strategies to control losses within an acceptable range, and not let our emotions become a catalyst for further mistakes.

To this end, we must learn to steer the boat of desire in our hearts and let rationality become the beacon that guides us through the storms of the market. Every trading decision should be the result of careful consideration, long-term planning and risk management, rather than the product of impulse and fluke. Only in this way can we move forward steadily on the journey of investment and reap wealth and growth that truly belongs to us. #比特币行情 #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 $BTC $ETH