On July 27, former US President Trump announced a major policy plan at the highly anticipated Bitcoin 2024 conference, demonstrating his deep commitment to the cryptocurrency sector. Trump stressed that if he wins the upcoming election, he will immediately remove Gary Gensler, the current chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), from his position on his first day in office, and vowed to replace him with a new leader who is positive about digital currencies. This move is intended to completely reverse the current government's regulatory attitude towards the cryptocurrency industry and ensure that the United States becomes the core of the global cryptocurrency sector.

Trump further elaborated on his "America First" crypto strategy, promising to ensure that the US government will not only retain its existing Bitcoin reserves, but also take a series of measures to promote the United States as the center of global cryptocurrency. He specifically pointed out that this shift is not only to maintain the United States' leading position in the global technology and financial fields, but also to respond to the eager expectations of the cryptocurrency community and investors.

Although Trump was relatively conservative in his commitment to maintain the existing Bitcoin holdings and did not propose a large-scale increase in holdings, this did not affect the overall reaction of the cryptocurrency market. During the speech, although the price of Bitcoin experienced a brief fluctuation, it quickly stabilized and rebounded, showing the market's optimistic expectations for Trump's policy direction.

Trump's remarks not only highlight his personal support for cryptocurrency, but also indicate that if he returns to the White House, the United States may usher in a more open and friendly cryptocurrency regulatory environment. This change will undoubtedly bring new development opportunities to the cryptocurrency industry, and will also promote the further maturity and improvement of the global cryptocurrency ecosystem. #比特币行情 #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 $BTC $ETH