2024.7.29 Funds: 48155

Ants move, bit by bit!

Slow down the profit and reduce the position. If the current large position transaction has a large unilateral loss, a hedge order will be opened as soon as possible to prevent a large profit retracement. It is better to be stable and return the capital slowly, but also to control the retracement.

Because the amount of copy orders is constantly increasing, it is almost 150,000 U. If I can become a giant with 1 million U of funds, catch a few waves of market and make another 100%, my goal will be achieved in an instant. This is not impossible to happen, but it is very difficult to do. I have seen too many aggressive traders. The funds swelled together and retreated quickly and finally exploded. I must learn from the past.

Success really belongs to a few people. Even in the current volatile market, many traders have huge retracements, not to mention the super unilateral market. The unilateral market makes traders fall from the altar, but also allows traders to ascend to the altar. In particular, seize the opportunity, open shorts before a big drop, close the bottom, and then open longs to eat rebounds. Funds are turned over in a wave of market conditions!

In the past, I always chased the rise and fall, did not control the risk, and was a stud! Now I buy low and sell high, trade systematically, and move like an ant!

I know that deep in my heart there is a strong desire that is ready to go, looking forward to the arrival of the exciting opportunity. Just like a cheetah, quietly waiting in the grass, patiently waiting for the best time to come, ready to pounce on the bloody meat.

In the world of investment, such impulse and passion are double-edged swords. On the one hand, it drives us to act decisively at critical moments and seize rare opportunities; on the other hand, excessive emotionality may also lead to wrong decisions. Therefore, we need to learn to balance our inner desires with rational judgments, and ensure that every attack is based on sufficient analysis and thinking. In this process, it is crucial to stay calm and focused.

Remember, behind every successful transaction, there are countless times of patient waiting and careful preparation. Let us not forget to keep a calm and rational heart while pursuing profits, so that we can move forward steadily in the ever-changing market and achieve long-term success.