The University of Wyoming founded the UW Bitcoin Research Institute, a pioneering academic institution focused on studying Bitcoin.

Dr. Bradley Rettler, an Associate Professor of Philosophy, has been chosen as the first director. In “Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin,” Rettler examines the historical and conceptual underpinnings of crypto, asserting that Bitcoin and similar decentralized initiatives have the potential to challenge authoritarian governments, surveillance, inflation, and financial discrimination.

The institute aims to establish faculty seats dedicated to Bitcoin study, promote and acknowledge exceptional academic research, inspire new academics to engage in Bitcoin-related projects, and offer seminars on relevant papers and books.

Additionally, its objective is to facilitate connections among scholars with an interest in Bitcoin and offer rigorously evaluated research for journalists, politicians, and the general public.

The institute aims to rectify the current subpar condition of academic Bitcoin research by generating more precise and rigorous academic studies. The University of Wyoming is well-equipped to spearhead this project due to its strategic location, interdisciplinary academic cooperation, proximity to renewable energy sources, and favorable legislative and regulatory environment.