During the day yesterday, I witnessed the heated discussion in the square. They said that BTC has stabilized the price of 68,000 and is about to break through the 70,000 mark. However, I can't help but wonder: Do you really understand the deep meaning of the word "stabilization"? I think the price of 67,300 is still unstable. Because only when BTC stabilizes above 67,300 and successfully breaks through the 70,000 range, especially when it reaches the range of 70,400 to 70,750, can it be considered truly stable. If it wants to stabilize the price of 68,800, it will face a more ambitious goal, that is, the range of 72,300 to 73,000, which is the first important pressure level above 70,000. Usually, the bears will conduct a strong callback test here to verify the support strength of 68,800. This is just like the stability of 58,200 two weeks ago, which will break through the price of 60,000 to 60,600 in one go. These difficult-to-break-through points are figuratively called "pain points." Click on the avatar to follow me, I will share the latest information every day, pin it to find me at any time #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #山寨季何时到来? $BTC