In March and April, many big Vs on the Internet vowed that the bull market was coming, and if you just buy a few copycat stocks and keep them untouched, the value will increase three to five times in a year.

The big Vs are just making up stories, but they don’t necessarily spend real money to buy things. It’s pitiful that the leeks who believe them…

If you committed serious sins in your previous life, even if you are the reincarnation of Satan, if you want to pay off your debts efficiently in this life, there are two ways:

The first one: Buy the bottom of Myanmar A in 2022 and 2023

The second type: All in on the copycats in the 24-year bull market


Let’s not talk about Myanmar A. It will be good for everyone if that kind of thing closes down as soon as possible. Let’s come and see the copycat.

In March and April, there were many opinions on the Internet, and the big Vs all swore that the bull market was coming, and if you just buy a few copycat stocks and keep them untouched, the value will increase three to five times in a year.

The big Vs are just talking nonsense, but they don't necessarily use real money to buy randomly. The pity is that the leeks who believe in them, after buying, the price will not rise for two or three days, and then it will start to fall continuously. Those who have leveraged their positions will be liquidated, and those who have not leveraged their spot prices will be cut in half, knees, and ankles.

It goes without saying that the contract traders are bleeding profusely. Even the spot traders are suffering from lack of blood and pale faces, and it is difficult to see how much they will make back.

Then it fell into this bear shape,

Will there be a copycat season in the future?

Is there any chance for the copycats that have suffered heavy losses to make back their investment?

Can we still make a comeback by relying on the last dividends of this market?


My answer is that there will most likely be a copycat season, but we still need to wait and see about the specific time. You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Below I provide several observation indicators.

Before the arrival of the copycat season, these indicators will definitely change. Based on these indicators, we can seize this bull market bronze market and grasp the opportunity to turn things around.


Indicator 1: Total market value of stablecoins

The recent Pie Circle is very similar to Myanmar A, with new coins constantly being listed.

The more currencies there are, the bigger the pool of this market is; the bigger the pool is, the higher the water level needs to be, and the more water needs to be in the pool.

The total market value of stablecoins refers to the amount of water in the pool.

Looking at the green part of the picture, we can clearly see that the amount of water in the pool has not increased significantly since this round of bull market, but the pool is getting bigger due to the issuance of coins. This is why, although it is a bull market cycle now, except for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Sol and a few altcoins that are stable at high levels, most altcoins not only have not risen much, but have even fallen to an epic low. This is because the amount of water is far from enough.

If we want to start the cottage season, we must first see a premise:

The amount of water in the market has increased significantly—stablecoins have been issued in large quantities!

As shown in the red circle in the figure above, during the alt season of 2021, the market value of stablecoins experienced a rapid growth process.

If we observe similar signals in the future, it means that the copycat season has really arrived.

Indicator 2: ETH exchange rate

As the leader of the copycats, Ethereum’s performance this round has been lackluster.

When the copycat season starts, we should first see the copycat leader becoming stronger; only when the wolf king is strong can the wolf pack become strong.

For signals that Ethereum is getting stronger, we focus on the green line in the chart.

For the past two years, the exchange rate has been suppressed by the green line. Once it can break upward, I think it will not only be of extraordinary significance, but also have unlimited energy!


Indicator 3: Bitcoin’s market capitalization share BTC.D

The market value of Bitcoin and the market value of copycats are in a seesaw relationship, where one rises while the other falls, and vice versa.

You can think of them as two small pools inside a big pool.

The total amount of water is limited. If there is more water in this pool, there will be less water in that pool.

The less water there is in the pancake pond, the more water there will be in the village pond.

Therefore, we observe the changes in BTC.D to see whether BTC.D can receive the peak signal at 57% to 58% and turn downward. Once the market share of BTC starts to fall, it means that funds begin to flow into other currency pools, which means that the altcoin season has begun!

Indicator 4: Stablecoin share in the market USDT.D

The performance of this index is very simple: the market generally rises; the index falls; the market generally falls; the index rises.


The internal logic I understand is:

If everyone holds USDT and is unwilling to buy the currency, it means that they are not optimistic about the future market and USDT.D will strengthen.

On the contrary, if USDT flows into various currencies (buy), USDT.D will weaken.

If it can fall below the trend line in the figure in the later stage, the market will perform better.


Indicator 5: TOTAL3

This is the market capitalization of all other altcoins excluding BTC and ETH.

Previously in April and June, the cottage industry experienced a bloody market, so we can clearly see from the chart that TOTAL3 fell sharply during this period, and even fell below a key support in early July. Now it has recovered. From this chart, we can see that the cottage industry is slowly recovering.

From a larger level, TOTAL3 has formed a bull flag-like pattern. We expect this pattern to be effective and to break upward. Then the copycat season - general rising market will officially arrive!


The above content is compiled from @头发浓密的阿帅 ’s group sharing. As we all know, Wa Wa knows nothing and can only hang out with rich women.

I also wish you all can find your ideal rich lady soon, or be found by your ideal rich lady! ! ! !

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