All kinds of news, all kinds of amazing analysis, amazing predictions, the whole cryptocurrency players are numb, the players who lose money want to turn over, the players who make money want to make more money, once you step into the cryptocurrency circle, you are a cryptocurrency player, it is impossible to quit the circle, because the entity is more difficult to do, the cryptocurrency circle has no big moves, it can't alarm you at all

The cryptocurrency circle is discussing why fists can rise wildly after falling for several months, and the primary market that has been silent for a long time has become lively again.

What is the reason for the rise? Today, let's explore the secret. It is understood that fists is invested and incubated by the A16Z Alliance Fund. We all know that A16Z is a well-known investment institution. Then A16 What is the relationship between Z Alliance Fund and A16Z? You can use your imagination

Community cohesion,

According to players, there are many capable evangelists, big names, and consensus makers in the community. The daily Tencent meetings have never been interrupted. Many players work hard together to learn, preach, and help new friends solve problems. The whole community is like a family, especially warm,

fists burn deflationary coins, CK audit has passed

A16z Alliance Fund + retail investors jointly sit + burning and destruction mechanism (0.5%/hour) + foundation repurchase destruction + ecological destruction + dual pool mechanism + reflux pool mechanism (buy and sell 0.2%) + lp shareholder dividends (buy and sell 1.8%) perfect The system has already killed 99% of the projects in the primary market, so good projects and good communities have been preaching and promoting, and will definitely be favored by capital. Good projects are worth paying attention to.

fists contract [CK audit has passed]


Detailed ecological planning will be announced soon🐧🐧913700924🐧🐧

fists+OSKS=king bomb project

osks mechanism

A16Z fund + joint dealer + mining system

Total amount 210 million, initial pool 10 million, add LP liquidity pool to mine in seconds, LP value greater than 300 to start mining , 200,000 coins mined every day > 90 days later > 100,000 coins mined every day > 120 days later > 50,000 coins mined every day, 2% trading, 1% destruction of osks - 1% destruction of fists, 0.3% tax after 90 days for the top three preparations

osks contract


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