At the Bitcoin 2024 conference, former US President Donald Trump took the stage to give a speech for the first time. At the beginning of his speech, Trump expressed his gratitude to the Bitcoin enthusiasts present. He mentioned: "Bitcoin people, thank you very much, hello everyone, I am very happy to be with you." He also thanked the conference for cooperating with the Secret Service's request and will It was originally scheduled to start at 3:00 Taipei time, delayed by 18 minutes.

The entire speech lasts about 50 minutes. If you are interested, you can watch it on the official Youtube channel of Bitcoin Magazine

"CryptoCity" also helps you sort out the top ten key points of Trump's speech:


  1. International situation: Trump mentioned that Israel had been severely attacked and emphasized that this would not happen during his term. Emphasizing the importance of respecting the United States, he believes that the current international situation requires the United States to show a tough attitude.

  2. Bitcoin event brings BTC fringe to mainstream: Trump emphasized that he was the first U.S. president to speak at a Bitcoin event and thanked event organizer David Bailey for the invitation. He believes that this event is of great significance to the Bitcoin industry.

  3. Bitcoin’s Achievements: Praise the Bitcoin community for its achievements, comparing it to the steel industry 100 years ago. Trump noted that Bitcoin has become the ninth largest asset in the world in just 15 years and believes it has the potential to surpass gold.

  4. The future vision of the United States: Trump emphasized the concept of "America First" and called on the United States to embrace cryptocurrency technology to prevent being surpassed by countries such as China. He hopes that the United States will lead the world in industries such as technology, manufacturing, and artificial intelligence.

  5. Lay off Gensler and establish a Bitcoin Expert Committee: Declared that he will become a president who supports innovation and Bitcoin, and plans to establish a Presidential Advisory Committee on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency to promote transparent regulatory guidelines and allow the Bitcoin industry to thrive in the United States.

  6. Opposition to CBDC: Clearly stated to oppose the implementation of central bank digital currency (CBDC), believing that CBDC will threaten the development of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. He promised not to allow the implementation of a CBDC during his term.

  7. Energy Policy: Promise to reduce energy costs and make the United States the main force in global Bitcoin mining. Trump plans to increase electricity supply and support the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy to produce electricity to ensure the United States’ leadership in the Bitcoin mining industry.

  8. Economic Reform: Announced that it would make Trump’s tax reform permanent, reduce unnecessary regulations, and revive the U.S. economy. He believes that these measures will promote the development of the Bitcoin industry and make the United States a country of innovation and economic prosperity.

  9. Bitcoin holding policy: Announced that if elected, he would retain all Bitcoins held by the U.S. government and promised not to sell these Bitcoins as part of the national strategic assets. Additionally, Trump promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht, arguing that he had served long enough.

  10. America Will Be Great Again: Calling on supporters to support his campaign, promising to make America and the Bitcoin community stronger and more prosperous. Trump believes that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will become an important part of the future economy, and he will work to create a favorable policy environment to make the United States a global leader in cryptocurrencies.

Source: Bitcoin Magazine Youtube channel screenshot Trump’s speech

The complete content is organized as follows:

1. International situation

Trump mentioned that Israel had been severely attacked and stressed that this would not happen on his watch. He believes that the current international situation is extremely unstable, and the respect and deterrence of many countries towards the United States has been significantly reduced.

Trump emphasized that respect for the United States is the cornerstone of international peace and stability, and this Israeli attack reflects the weakness of current U.S. policies. He believes that if such a foreign policy continues, the United States' international status will further decline and hostile forces will intensify.

Therefore, he called on the United States to show a tough attitude and restore the respect and fear of the United States from all countries in the world to prevent such incidents from happening again.

2. The Bitcoin event brings BTC from the edge to the mainstream

Trump emphasized that he was the first U.S. president to speak at a Bitcoin event and thanked event organizer David Bailey for the invitation. He mentioned that this event is of great significance to the Bitcoin industry and symbolizes the transformation of Bitcoin from fringe technology to mainstream economy.

Trump believes that the development of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency will have a profound impact on the U.S. economy and expresses his deep understanding of the importance of this emerging industry. He hopes that through this speech, he can convey support and recognition for the Bitcoin community and provide more policy support and guarantees for its development.

3. Bitcoin’s Achievements

Trump praised the Bitcoin community’s achievements, comparing it to the steel industry 100 years ago. He pointed out that Bitcoin has become the ninth largest asset in the world in just 15 years, which is an amazing achievement.

Trump emphasized that the development speed and potential of Bitcoin are unprecedented, and this innovative spirit and technological breakthroughs deserve respect and learning from the world. He believes that Bitcoin has the potential to surpass gold and become the world's most important store of value. He also called on all walks of life to face up to the huge potential of Bitcoin and create a more favorable development environment for it to fully unleash its potential and promote further development of the global economy.

4. America’s Future Vision

Trump emphasized the concept of "America First" and called on the United States to embrace cryptocurrency technology to prevent it from being surpassed by countries such as China. He said that the United States must maintain its global leadership in industries such as technology, manufacturing and artificial intelligence, which is crucial to the country's future prosperity.

Trump believes that Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technology are an important part of the future economy, and the United States cannot lag behind other countries. He called on the government and businesses to work together to promote technological innovation and industrial development to ensure that the United States remains in a leading position in global economic competition and achieve the country's long-term prosperity and development.

5. Fire Gensler and establish a Bitcoin Expert Committee

Trump has declared that he will become a president who supports innovation and Bitcoin. If elected, he will immediately lay off Gary Gensler, who is not friendly to cryptocurrencies, and choose a new SEC chairman. It also plans to establish a Presidential Advisory Committee on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency to promote transparent regulatory guidelines.

He said that this advisory committee will be composed of experts from the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency industries and will be responsible for designing and formulating policies and regulatory structures that are beneficial to the industry. Trump believes that only through transparent and fair supervision can the healthy development of the Bitcoin industry be promoted and unfair competition and market manipulation be prevented. He promised to create a friendlier development environment for the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency industries and make the United States a leader in global innovation and economic prosperity.

6. Opposition to CBDC

Trump has made it clear that he opposes the implementation of central bank digital currency (CBDC), believing that CBDC will threaten the development of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. He pointed out that CBDC is controlled by the government, which may lead to the loss of personal privacy and freedom, and suppress the innovative spirit of the market. Trump has promised not to allow the implementation of a CBDC during his term and will work to protect personal property and freedom of transactions.

He believes that free market and decentralization are the core values ​​of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The government should not interfere with market operations, but should provide support and guarantee for technological innovation and industrial development.

VII. Energy Policy

Trump's promise to lower energy costs will make the United States the main force in global Bitcoin mining. He said that in order to support the development of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency industries, the United States needs to increase power supply and take more measures to ensure the stability and sustainability of energy.

Trump plans to increase the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy to rapidly increase electricity production capacity to meet the needs of Bitcoin mining and other technological applications. He emphasized that these measures will help reduce energy costs, promote the development of the U.S. economy, and consolidate the United States’ leadership position in the global Bitcoin mining industry.

8. Economic Reform

Trump announced that he would make his tax reform permanent, reduce unnecessary regulations, and revive the U.S. economy. He believes that these measures will promote the development of the Bitcoin industry and make the United States a country of innovation and economic prosperity.

Trump said that by reducing tax and regulatory burdens, companies will have more resources to invest in innovation and development, thereby promoting economic growth and job creation. He promised to continue to promote policies that are beneficial to enterprises and individuals, so that more people can share the fruits of economic development and achieve national prosperity and strength.

9. Bitcoin Holding Policy

Trump announced that if elected, he would retain all Bitcoin held by the U.S. government and promised not to sell these Bitcoins as part of the national strategic assets.

He believes that Bitcoin, as an emerging asset, has huge appreciation potential and strategic value and should be held for the long term. In addition, Trump also promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht, arguing that he had served long enough and should be released. He said that this policy will help maintain fairness and justice and create a more favorable development environment for the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency communities.

10. America will be great again

Trump called on supporters to support his campaign, promising to make the United States and the Bitcoin community stronger and more prosperous. He believes that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will become an important part of the future economy and said that he is committed to creating a favorable policy environment to make the United States a global leader in cryptocurrencies.

Trump emphasized that the United States has huge innovation potential and economic strength. As long as the government and enterprises work together, the future will be brighter and more prosperous. He called on everyone to unite to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the United States and achieve the great rejuvenation of the country.

Finally, Trump said: "If Bitcoin is going to be a symbol of the future, it must be born and grown in the United States."

Source: Bitcoin Magazine Youtube channel screenshot Trump said mastering Bitcoin will make America great again

Trump’s speech won warm applause from the audience, and his policy proposals also brought new hope and expectations to the Bitcoin community. The speech was emblematic of Bitcoin’s prominence in the political arena and heralded possible future policy changes.

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.

It doesn’t matter if you missed the Bitcoin 2024 conference event. You can read the series of articles compiled by “Crypto City”:

Bitcoin Conference 2024 series of articles

If you want to watch the content of the Bitcoin 2024 conference, you can go to the Youtube channel of Bitcoin Magazine. There are currently live broadcasts on the first, second and third days. "Crypto City" will also continue to track news related to the conference and provide more complete information in real time. ,