I have opened a position in pepe, which is the earliest to deploy the entire chain

The contract is: F9CpWoyeBJfoRB8f2pBe2ZNPbPsEE76mWZWme3StsvHK

There has been a trend of starting up recently. The creation time of its token is three months earlier than that of Ethereum’s pepe

Let me talk about the reasons for opening a position:

1. From the time when the token is pulled up, it can be seen that it is similar to Ethereum’s pepe. Ethereum’s pepe On February 23 this year, it started to rise sharply, up 8-9 times. On February 29, the sol chain began to reflect community intervention, and it rose 60 times, reaching a maximum market value of 30 million. Ethereum's pepe pulled the second wave from April 17 to May 26, and it rose three times. Sol chain's pepe rose from 1.2 million market value on May 9 to 7 million on May 16, nearly 6 times. This time, Ethereum pepe started again. Judging from the past rules, it will start in the next few days and has a starting trend.

2. From the K-line, his position is already the bottom, and it has been consolidating near here. There should be someone who is the dealer. The chips should be I have almost got enough. If I buy at this position and hold the chips, it will not fall much. Ethereum Pepe has been launched for a few days. According to the first reason, this launch should be fast. The downward limit is limited, the upward multiple is high, and the odds are enough.

3. I don’t know why Sol Chain likes to make resurrection stories these days. It takes out old coins to speculate, pulls up from low points to exceed the previous highs, and gives large multiples, several times or dozens of times. The most popular one I have observed should be Brainlet, which has a market value of 4k and has been raised to 25 million. Recently, DJcat (more than ten times in the past few days) and Chibi (ten times in a single day) have also been raised by various abnormal multiples. This earliest Pepe has a narrative. If you want to say that it is an old coin, it is old enough. The resurgence of old coins will definitely not be bad. The previous high was 30 million, and the current 1.3 million

The reasons for opening a position are the above three. If you look at the line, it is about to start, and Twitter is also very active, so I open a position