Are you guys on board with this meat-eating market? (two)

Secondly, the idea of ​​taking profit is that when the market falls to around 25100, tell everyone in the community that this is the take-profit point. Wait until the daily line closes to see if it can effectively fall below. If it does not fall below, take profit decisively. .

After the daily line closes, an alarm signal appears. BTC, ETH TOTAL and some copycats have a 1D buy point signal. Multi-currency resonance requires you to leave the market at this time. At the same time, USDT has a sell point signal. There is nothing to hesitate. Close Stop profit as soon as possible!

The 5-day trend order ended perfectly. The brothers who followed the order were very happy, and we were also very pleased. Interestingly, there was a strong pull in the second Asian main time. We judged the increase, but we did not expect that the increase would be so large. It's so big, otherwise I would definitely backhand and go long. This is a small mistake and I didn't participate in the opportunity to go long. I also talked about it in detail in the live broadcast last night. The idea of ​​not going long is generally good. This kind of cheating The market can't have too big a pattern, just stop when it's good. It's good to have stable income every month, and it has already outperformed most investors.

Remarks: There is no membership fee, please leave for free, follow orders and make steady profits, taking you across classes!

#A9社区 Trend Trading Team

Sincere invitation, let’s grow together🚀