1. How many W do you want to earn this year?
2. Where are the resources?
3. Where is the market?

4. Who should I get to know and who should I make friends with?
5. How to integrate resources and connections
6. How to meet the needs of the market and customers

7. How to quickly replicate your business
8. How to cooperate with others to maximize benefits
9. How to complement each other's strengths and combine the strengths

10. How to socialize and win over clients
11. How to motivate and manage subordinates
12. How to maximize your advantages

13. Is there a better business model that can make your company grow faster?
14. How to reduce costs, expand scale, and increase profits
15. What other industries can you enter? How can you diversify, spread your business, and spread your risks?

16. How to recruit talents for your own use
17. How to partner with others
18. How to use other people’s resources for your own benefit

19. What is the input-output ratio of this business? Is it worth investing?
20. How to enter a powerful circle
21. What is the current economic situation?

22. What is the future direction and trend of the industry? Can it still be expanded?
23. Pay attention to financial news every day
24. When it is difficult for the main business to make any major progress, I will try hard to find new projects.

25. How to find investment when you want to invest but don’t have enough money?
26. How to start a business without using your own money
27. Study the nature of human nature

28. Think about what the current and future trends will be every day, and try to seize them.
29. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your peers and learn from your peers
30. I have a strong sense of purpose in what I want to do today, who I want to have dinner with, and what project I want to win.

31. How to use the network of fellow villagers, classmates, friends, etc. to develop your own business
32. Which activities and forums are worth attending?
33. What should I buy to save face?

34. Small problems can be solved with a little money
35. Is it worth attending a drinking party?
36. Should I study for an MBA to enrich myself?
37. What is the closest thing to money?

38. How to share benefits with people in the interest chain
39. How to give gifts to customers
40. How to Play Well Within the Rules

41. How to plan, how to set up, how to break the situation
42. Use SWOT analysis to analyze the business
43. How to cultivate an industry and a market

44. How to retain excellent employees
45. How to balance immediate interests and long-term interests
46. ​​How to cast a long line to catch big fish

47. How to merge and acquire peers
48. How to give children a better education
49. How to train your children to be your successors
50. How to get things done and serve customers well

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