According to CoinDesk, Bitcoin layer 2 Rootstock has successfully interactively verified a SNARK proof, marking a significant advancement in the development of zero-knowledge proofs on the Bitcoin network. This verification was achieved using BitVMX, Rootstock's modified version of BitVM, which is designed to enable Ethereum-style smart contracts on Bitcoin. The verification process was completed on Rootstock's mainnet on Thursday, following a successful testnet run the previous day.

Zero-knowledge SNARK (Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge) is a method that allows one to prove knowledge without revealing the information itself and without requiring interaction between the prover and verifier. Rootstock's team highlighted that this development is a major leap forward for the BitVMX proving system, demonstrating the capability to challenge and validate the execution of a SNARK verifier on-chain. This breakthrough paves the way for replicating the process with any program compiled to the RISC-V architecture, utilizing BitVMX’s general-purpose virtual CPU.