The temptation and trap of casinos

Casinos are least afraid of you winning, they are only afraid that you will not come again. Contract trading, a modern version of casino games, has risks and temptations that make people unable to stop.

The most ruthless trick in this market is not to make you make money quickly, but to slowly increase your appetite, so that you look down on small money and can't concentrate on work. But what scares me most is those uncertain returns, like sugar-coated poison, which makes people addicted and difficult to quit.

There is an interesting monkey experiment, two cages, two buttons. The monkey in one cage can eat bananas as soon as it presses, but the monkey in the other cage may not get bananas after pressing it, all depends on luck. Guess what? The monkey who eats bananas is leisurely and comfortable, while the monkey who tries his luck presses the button frantically, for fear of missing any possibility.

We humans are the same. When we taste the sweetness of uncertainty, we are like that monkey, trying non-stop, hoping to hit the jackpot again. But in this way, it is easy to forget the original intention and lose the direction. So, we must always remind ourselves not to be blinded by the market's tricks. We should be more rational and steady so that we can go further.

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