If the price does not fall after a long period of sideways movement, it will rise. If the price does not rise after a long period of sideways movement, it will fall.

If you can eat enough, run first.

If you can’t eat enough, let go more.

Buy low and sell high, actively build positions.

Those who bought the bottom yesterday, take some profits today!

Bitcoin 3000 dollars, Ethereum 150 dollars, Sol 12 dollars.

Do what you can.

Don’t sell at the lowest point when the price falls back.

Pull up and chase at the highest point.

Buy high and buy low, actively take profits.

My focus during this period is still Ethereum. I keep half of my Ethereum position and take profits on half of my position. I do high selling and low buying.

I will choose 3060 to continue.

The explosion point of small capital volume must be controlled below 2960!