There are different opinions on the duration of the bull market. Some people think that the bull market may end at the end of this year or the beginning of next year, but I tend to agree that the bull market will last until the beginning of 2026 for the following reasons:

Some people may compare this year's market situation with 2021, but this comparison ignores the complete volatility of the bull-bear cycle. The rise from October last year to March this year may only be the early stage of the bull market, not the end of the entire bull market.

The halving event of Bitcoin is often regarded as a driving factor for the bull market. Although some people are worried about excessive price increases before the halving, it should be noted that the starting point of this round of Bitcoin is much higher than the price at the time of the previous halving, and the two cannot be directly compared.

This year, the Federal Reserve may only make 1-2 small interest rate cuts of 25 basis points each time, which indicates that the inflow of funds in the market is relatively limited. In this case, the price of Bitcoin may reach 80,000-100,000 US dollars.

Looking ahead to next year, if the Fed increases the rate cut from 25 basis points to 50-75 basis points, this will attract more capital into the market and promote the prosperity of the entire cryptocurrency market. By then, the price of Bitcoin may reach $120,000-150,000.

For investors who want to operate steadily, it is recommended to sell 2/3 of the spot by the end of this year and keep 1/3 of the position in preparation for further market rise next year. For investors who do not want to miss the bull market opportunity, they can continue to hold and pay attention to market dynamics. If you are still watching and cannot see the market trend clearly, it will only fall due to bullishness and rise due to bearishness. Free ➕👗 ➕🌍 BNB0098

No matter how the market fluctuates, it is crucial to maintain patience and a long-term investment perspective. Investors should formulate strategies based on their own risk tolerance and investment goals, and not be affected by short-term market fluctuations.

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