Yesterday, a fan asked me that he was cheated by Pixiu and asked me what to do.

I said, you can try to transfer out 1U. If you can't transfer out, then there is no way.

In the primary market, you must know what Pixiu is, what is the pool withdrawal, what is burning, what is blacklist and rat trading.

Pixiu means that the tokens you bought cannot be sold. The blacklist and permissions are not lost. They can set your blacklist, and you can only enter but not exit.

If it does not show the pool burning, it means that he can withdraw the pool!

Rat trading means that the developer enters the market and buys a lot of chips, and then disperses other wallets, or the wallets associated with the developer are all rat trading.

If the permissions are not discarded, the blacklist is not closed, and the pool is not burned, this must be Pixiu, and entering is a dead end.

How to identify it? If you don't understand anything and want to learn, it's best to use GMGN!

If you see a red dot mark, it must be a rat trading!

#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会 #貔貅盘