📣📣The current price of BTC is 67,000, which has rebounded significantly from yesterday, showing a strong reversal trend.

📣📣 Regarding the subsequent trend, is it long or short?

Today, BTC's daily line closed positive, firmly holding on to the 64,000 mark and breaking through upwards, indicating that market sentiment has recovered after oversold. However, continuous positive lines do not constitute a reason for blind optimism and need to be treated with caution.

On the daily chart, BTC is in the consolidation stage, and the fluctuation pattern can refer to the range-bound fluctuations from May 25th to 29th. After bottoming out yesterday, there may be a slight correction today after rising. It is expected that this sideways trend may continue until next week.

In terms of operational strategy, it is recommended to consider adding positions or adjusting the position structure when BTC reaches around 64,000. It is recommended to maintain about 50% of the position and reserve 20 to 30% as flexible funds to capture market fluctuations. For contract traders, they may be able to obtain better returns by taking advantage of the short-term rising momentum to place short orders on rallies. Short-term resistance range is set at 67170 to 67690, while support lies between 65350 and 64810.

It is worth noting that Trump’s speech at the BTC conference may become an unexpected catalyst for the market, and we are looking forward to this.



