Short all the way, pick up oil and count money all the way, wait for the waterfall to plug in!

Light an eggplant, then make a cup of coffee, it's time to start picking up oil and counting money again! Ethereum first shorted from the current price of 3180 in the morning, closed at 3120 in the evening, and won 60 points! Continue to short near 3180 in the evening, and those who are quick can definitely catch the train at 3170. It has fallen below 3100 again, isn't it another 70 points?

Let's talk about Bitcoin. In the morning, short from the current price of 64100, and you can easily run away at 63500 in the evening, and there is also a profit of 600 points. Bitcoin is a bit lagging today, not as powerful as Ethereum, and the fall is not so painful! Let's short directly at the current price of 64800 in the evening, and it will be 64500, and the short position will also start to make a profit!

Bitcoin opens the daily K level. After being suppressed by the upper Bollinger rail, it has been going down all the way. It is inevitable that it will close negative today and achieve 4 consecutive negatives. Looking at the MACD red kinetic energy column, it continues to shrink. KDJ falls all the way down after the death cross. The bulls are completely pressed to the ground. How can they fight back? It is not time to buy the bottom yet. The power of the bears is far from being released. The rebound is empty. Don't be afraid, don't be cowardly! If you don't have space to enter, Bitcoin 64800 and 65300 empty, the target is 63000 and 62000 and 60800 here, and the defense is unified at 65800.

Ethereum's daily K level fell below the middle rail support, the MACD red kinetic energy column shrank, and the KDJ extended vertically downward after the death cross. 3100 has been lost. Next, we only need to pay attention to the support of the 3000 mark. Don't be afraid of rebound. The long army buys the bottom and pulls the price, which just gives us a better position high! There are no short orders at midnight. Short at rebound 3170 and 3220, target 3100 and 3000, defense 3250

The above is only my personal opinion, investment is risky, enter the market with caution! #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #拜登退选 $BTC $ETH