Collect it!!! Why don't you change positions easily? How to correctly handle losses and profits in trading? A must-read for beginners!!!

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The longer you hold a correct trading order, the more likely you are to close the position at an ideal position. The premise of not cutting positions easily is, first, accurate judgment, and second, keeping a light position.

The premise of stop loss is to know whether your analysis is correct. Stop loss should be made immediately when you make a mistake, but don't stop loss because of missed opportunities. If the analysis is correct, you can consider adding positions when the position is light during a callback.

Stop loss should be based on the correctness of the analysis, not the extent of capital loss. Stop loss quickly when the analysis is wrong; when the analysis is correct, losses are inevitable.

Stop loss orders may be invalid in the futures market because large orders cannot be traded when the counterparty is insufficient.

Adjust the operation details according to the size of the funds and adopt appropriate entry and exit strategies.

If the operation is wrong, the position should be closed immediately. The core of stop loss is to avoid the expansion of errors.

When it is determined that the order is wrong, no matter what the point is, the position should be closed as soon as possible to avoid delay.

The difficulty in closing a position is often due to lack of sufficient basis or impulse when entering the market, which leads to restlessness and difficulty in operation.

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