The corporation presented an updated version of the Toyota concept (TYO:7203) Mobility 3.0. According to the developers, the project is focused on studying the mobility of a smart account on the Ethereum blockchain “MOA” (Mobility-Oriented Account). The project involves the creation of blockchain-based digital accounts for cars manufactured by Toyota. This will enable fully autonomous driving to be realized in the future and allow vehicles to interact with the environment in the real world, based on the current widely accepted Account Abstraction ERC-4337 standard.

“The most extreme scenario proposed by the new functionality involves the creation of technologies for fully autonomous driving. Autonomous mobility will no longer require human intervention and will be able to function as a completely independent service entity, with all rights processed in the on-chain world,” the company said.

The ERC-4337-based MOA standard will allow the authentication process to be separated from key management, ensuring that the account itself is retained on the blockchain even if the private key is lost.

MOA will allow, for example, monitoring of operation and maintenance records. In addition, Ethereum technology will help all stakeholders, including drivers, owners, manufacturers, dealers and administrative authorities, participate in the approval process for vehicle-related transactions.

A year earlier, Toyota supported the Astar Web3 hackathon for developers of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in order to identify a promising team of developers who could implement Web3 technologies into the corporation’s activities.