In the cryptocurrency world, the key to success lies in a deep understanding of two core elements: "liquidity" and "market sentiment trends".

In short, liquidity refers to the flow of funds in the market, which reflects the market's activity and the abundance of funds. Many people are accustomed to using the performance of US stocks or Nasdaq as a weather vane, but in essence, the fluctuations in these markets are often closely linked to interest rates, and the level of interest rates directly determines the abundance of market funds. Therefore, keeping up with interest rate changes is the key to grasping the flow of market funds.

As for market sentiment, it is like a double-edged sword, which can both drive the market up and trigger panic selling. Avoiding the regret of "missing a good opportunity" and the impulse of "buying high" is the key to emotional management. At the personal level, you should establish and adhere to your own investment strategy, not blindly follow the trend, not easily take over at a high position, and not sell in panic. At the market level, you need to be sensitive to changes in market sentiment, learn to make arrangements before everyone notices, and exit in time when consensus is formed.

Whether it is the cryptocurrency market or other investment fields, accurately judging capital liquidity and accurately grasping market sentiment are the only way to success. Stay rational, stick to the strategy, and make investment decisions based on in-depth analysis rather than emotional impulses, so that you can move forward steadily.

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