Recently, the news of rising prices has become a hot topic among people. From food and daily necessities to housing prices and medical expenses, all kinds of expenses have been quietly increasing, making the already tense life even more stressful. At the same time, whether from media reports or friends around me, we can hear complaints about the slow growth of wages. It seems that the burden of life is getting heavier, while the hope of improvement is getting slimmer.

In this context, the government has proposed policies to stimulate domestic demand, hoping to stabilize economic development by increasing residents' consumption levels. Faced with the current difficult life situation, many ordinary people said that even if they have more spending power, it is difficult to make a difference in the face of various life expenses. It seems that stimulating domestic demand does not make much sense to them.

The pressure of life continues to increase, and it is difficult to stimulate domestic demand

Slow wage growth and high living pressure

In recent years, although my country's economic development has maintained a relatively stable growth, the wage growth of ordinary people has not kept pace with the price of goods, and the so-called "slimming wallet" phenomenon has appeared. According to statistics, the growth rate of per capita disposable income of residents nationwide has been lower than the GDP growth rate for many consecutive years, which means that although the country's economic aggregate is increasing, the income of ordinary people has not been improved as it should be.

With the development of society, people's daily consumption expenditure is increasing. Not only do they have to face the "big heads" such as mortgages and car loans, but they also have to deal with the increase in daily expenses, as well as the high expenses in medical care and education, which makes the life pressure of many families unprecedentedly great. Some people even joked that the current salary seems to be only enough to pay for the "maintenance expenses" of life, and there is no extra money to realize the so-called "little happiness".

Fewer job opportunities and a harder time improving living conditions

In addition to the problem of slow wage growth, the current employment situation has also added a lot of anxiety and distress to many people. With the continuous development of technologies such as the Internet and artificial intelligence, many traditional industries are facing the risk of being replaced by automation, while the employment opportunities brought by emerging industries are not as many as imagined, resulting in many people finding it difficult to find a job, and even the embarrassing phenomenon of "doctors opening small shops" has emerged.

It can be said that in the current environment, even if you have a relatively stable job, it is difficult to get a significant increase in income in a short period of time, not to mention those who have been job-hopping to find opportunities. It is these groups of ordinary workers who constitute the "backbone" of the entire society. When their lives are in trouble, it is difficult for the entire society to truly achieve comprehensive development.

To fundamentally solve the problem, more thinking and effort are needed

Faced with the current plight of ordinary people, the government's policy of stimulating domestic demand seems to be just a "temporary solution" and does not really touch the "crux" of the problem. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, even if they have more spending power, it is difficult to make a difference in the current plight of life. More consumption will only make their savings "worse" and will not be of much help in dealing with future uncertainties.

More jobs disappear, income inequality becomes more prominent

From a more macro perspective, the current life difficulties are just one of many problems facing the entire society. With the continuous development of science and technology and the popularization of automation technology, human society will usher in an "industrial revolution"-style change. At that time, we will face a series of problems such as the disappearance of more job opportunities and unequal income distribution.

In this process, if the government only focuses on macroeconomic data and ignores the actual difficulties of ordinary people, then the so-called "economic growth" will not mean much to most people. It will only make the contradictions and dissatisfaction in the whole society more and more serious, and may eventually trigger a larger-scale social crisis.

The importance of education and skills training

If we really want to improve the plight of ordinary people, the government and society should solve the problem fundamentally, and what is needed is not temporary "incentives" and "subsidies", but more thinking and efforts. We should realize how important education and skills training are to everyone. Only by constantly learning and improving our own abilities can we better adapt to the future job market and find a stable job that can provide a reasonable income.

An equal and inclusive economy

We should also reflect on the current economic system, why income inequality exists, and how to establish a more equal and inclusive economic system so that everyone can share the fruits of social development. Only under such a system can we truly achieve the goal of stimulating domestic demand, because only when the lives of most people are substantially improved will they have more consumption capacity and willingness.

Refined and differentiated policies to stimulate domestic demand

The current policies to stimulate domestic demand also require more detailed and differentiated measures. We cannot treat every group of people in a one-size-fits-all manner, but should formulate corresponding policies based on different demand groups. For example, for young people, we can provide more support for home purchases and entrepreneurship, while for middle-aged and elderly people, we can start with pension and medical insurance, so that everyone can feel the warmth and care of the policy.


The emergence of life difficulties has made many people feel helpless and desperate, and has also made the road to social development more difficult. It is in such difficulties that we can realize the problem and find a solution. I hope that in the near future, both the government and the entire society will have more responsibility and wisdom to truly contribute to the improvement of ordinary people's lives, so that everyone can gain something from the progress of society.


The emergence of life difficulties has made many people feel helpless and desperate, and has also made the road to social development more difficult. It is in such difficulties that we can realize the problem and find a solution. I hope that in the near future, both the government and the entire society will have more responsibility and wisdom to truly contribute to the improvement of ordinary people's lives, so that everyone can gain something from the progress of society.