The violent correction of the US stock market from a high position coincided with the recent secondary high of Bitcoin and the arrival of Mentougou. It was not surprising that it followed the decline.

When it does not follow the decline in a few days, it will be the time to increase the position at the iron bottom.

The previous big drop was expected to be smashed by Mentougou.

The big drop today and yesterday was also a real smash by Mentougou.

According to reports, most of the coins have been distributed to users.

Therefore, the strength of the market smash is exhausted, and it is difficult to smash it within 50,000.

If it is within 50,000, it is a once-in-a-lifetime buying opportunity, and I will go to the low-multiple coin standard.

What kind of mysterious power does sol have? When the market falls, it falls less, and when the market rises, it rises violently.

Therefore, after a wave of corrections, long-term layout is not a big problem.

In addition, I am also optimistic about ton, waiting for the potential to explode.